Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Bike Ride - Rollers

Rode my rollers today!

De LuxeDistance: 5.45 mi, 20 min
Speed: Avg 16.1, Max 19.5
Cadence: Avg 81, Max 94
Gear: 39x15
HR: Avg 153, Max 161

I originally intended to do a full hour, but realized it wasn't worth the pain (and the disincentive that can be towards future workouts), and that it would be better to stop while still feeling good.

There was some initial acute ass pain, but that went away quickly (went numb, I think). My right foot started to hurt after 15 minutes, but I hope that will go away with shoe adjustments. Had trouble finding good hand positions, and my HRM definitely is in the way. My big mega fan worked well, but I can probably set it to medium next time.

My knees seem ok, but my "good" knee had some curious near-pain.

I was a little surprised I had no trouble riding the rollers. I had no false starts, and no trouble balancing or holding my line. I guess it's like riding a bicycle... heh heh.

The new wireless comp. seems to work nicely, but the screen is a little hard to read indoors, without my glasses on. Maybe it'll be easier in direct sunlight. After years of sitting around, my HRM worked flawlessly, but the battery icon was lit on the watch, so I need to replace it soon -- I hope the strap battery is still ok.

I added 7 miles from the unrecorded park lap I did weeks ago (after I got my new wheelset) to the virgin odo before I started riding.

I watched (didn't really see or hear) the end of Stephen Lynch and the beginning of Reno 911 on Comedy Central.

My scale tells me I weigh 215 lbs. I'd like to drop 30 of that ASAP. We'll see.



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